So what can we give our friends for their third wedding anniversary present?
Well, the crystal bit is a proverbial piece of cake! If you can’t afford the crystal chandelier of the well-known song sung by Charley Pride – and let’s face it, who can afford a mega sized chandelier the size of the one notoriously smashed in ‘Only Fools and Horses’?
Come to think of it, who lives in a house the size to accommodate one!
Thanks to the trend for all things vintage, chandeliers are actually very ‘in’ right now, and, to be fair, there are many affordably sized beauties out there for the choosing. The only problem with buying one for your Third Wedding Anniversary couple is that such an item is very much dependent on personal choice. If, however, you know the couple very well, you should be able to hit all the right notes.
More usual – but no less special, crystal gifts come in the stunning shape of glasses (no, not the Specsavers variety). If your lucky recipients have managed to break those lovely crystal glasses they were given as a wedding present from a generous guest (perhaps during one wild party too many), then now is the perfect opportunity to replace those crystal champagne flutes, brandy glasses or whisky tumblers, before they have ever been missed.
Crystal glasses have been a popular gift for all sorts of special occasions, and wedding anniversaries are up there at the top of the ‘most appropriate gift list’. The reason for this is that, crystal looks absolutely fabulous on any dinner table worth its salt. What is more, crystal stands the test of time (wild parties apart). It is not subject to the fickle nature of fashion and seasonal trends. And it will go down equally well with couples of all ages.
From first-love 18 year-olds, to couples celebrating their diamond wedding – that’s 60 years of wedded bliss – the gift of crystal will be very much appreciated by all. However, if we are to be really precise about wedding anniversary gifts, then crystal, as we have already discovered, is strictly speaking for those who have been married for just three years (strange, but true).
Consequently, anything crystal will hit the three-year mark. But something special and useful is even more welcome by any couple with a social life. Those free tumblers from the garage are okay for the daily grind; but, come night time and candle light, only crystal will do.
And therein lies another advantage of crystal. It looks amazing during the day, if placed in front of a window, or other source of light. Why? Because – and here is the science bit – the light is refracted through the glass to reveal the individual colours of the spectrum.
Crystal is also said to attract positive energy into a home when placed by a window. And we could all do with a dose of positive energy now and then! A crystal vase is therefore just the job for displaying the beauty of flowers in what is quite literally, the best possible light.
Once the bad energy of the dead flowers has been removed, and their crystal vessel cleaned, the vase can get to work beckoning all that good energy into the home. We like!
So what about ideas for leather gifts? Ummm ... top end, we’re talking a leather sofa (perhaps one for the inlaws, that). What about a leather-bound his and hers diary? Or a funky belt each?
No doubt, the Victoria Beckhams of this world would demand, or at very least drop hints the weight of an elephant, for a £1,000-odd Balenciaga bag. If hubby is particularly well-heeled, he might just pop down to the nearest Harvey Nicks store, and cough up.
Well, we can all dream, can’t we?
Browse our selection of Third Wedding Anniversary Gifts from The Gift Experience.