The tradition of trick or treating around Halloween can be traced back to 1000 A.D. So why not honour this Halloween custom and give your party guests a sweet trick and treat or two of your own?

Devilish Doughnuts
For our first trick or treat food you will need 12 doughnuts, 6 already filled with custard and 6 unfilled doughnuts. If you can't find unfilled doughnuts get 12 custard doughnuts and do your best to remove the custard from 6 of them.
In a bowl mix mayonnaise and English mustard. Put the mustard mayonnaise mix into a piping bag and squeeze into the 6 unfilled doughnuts.
Decorate all 12 of the doughnuts in a creepy Halloween design, put them out with the rest of the party food and wait for your first trick or treater.

Freakish Ferrero Rocher
This trick is great fun both before and during the party. It requires you to buy a box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates, we would recommend a 24 box for best results, and then to very carefully unwrap half of the chocolates and put the wrappers to the side for safe keeping. It is the wrappers you will need for this trick – You can eat all of the unwrapped chocolates, yum!
Boil 12 sprouts for 2 minutes and then let them cool in the fridge for about 20 minutes. While the sprouts cool melt 200g of chocolate.
Once the sprouts are cooled skewer them on a cocktail stick and then coat them in the chocolate. You are looking for the outside to closely resemble the appearance of the Ferrero Rocher chocolates you just demolished so you may have to coat the sprouts a couple of times. Whilst they are partially cooled, roll the sprouts in finely chopped nuts to match the outside of their real counterparts.
Once the chocolate has completely set remove the cocktail sticks and wrap the Ferrero Rocher wrappers around the sprouts. Pop them back into the box with the other, real chocolates and watch your guests make an unfortunate discovery.

Crafty cupcakes
If you're feeling particularly inspired by Halloween then you can try to make Brown Eyed Baker's fabulous Pumpkin Cupcakes or you can get some undecorated cupcakes from your local supermarket – we won't judge you.
You'll then need to make a lot of buttercream icing. Half the icing into separate bowls and to one bowl add some more of that great English mustard we used earlier; how much mustard is up to you – why not do a taste test? In the other bowl of icing add a few drops of yellow food colouring until the two bowls are as close in colour as you can manage.
Ice some of your cupcakes with the mustard buttercream and the rest with the nice icing, then top with Halloween decorations.

Beastly Brownies
For this trick or treat you will be making two types of brownies; Treat - cherry and chocolate brownies and Trick – hot chilli and chocolate brownies.
To make the cherry brownie we'd recommend using Peanut Butter & Pepper's Dark Chocolate Cherry Brownie recipe, however, for the trick or treat special the cherry pieces will need to be diced a little smaller than her recipe calls for.
To make the chilli brownie you can still use the same great brownie recipe but with two adjustments; instead of adding cherry extract add 1 tsp of hot sauce and rather than adding a cup of cherries, add about 150g of finely chopped, hot red chillies.
Once both brownies are baked and completely cooled, cut them into bite-sized pieces, melt some chocolate and coat the brownies in the chocolate. This doesn't need to be an especially thick layer of chocolate, however, you need to make sure that you can't see either cherry or chillies through this layer.
Once the chocolate is set you can put the brownies into the same bowl and watch your guests play trick or treat with trepidation.

Twisted Toffee Apples
Toffee apples are a very traditional autumn treat but in true trick or treat style not all of your batch will be apples, some will be onions. However, we would recommend making a batch of toffee apples and only a couple of toffee onions for this trick or treat party addition.
You can follow Bake and Eat's hauntingly easy recipe for Toffee Apples if you've never made them before.
To make the toffee onions, use the same steps as the apples, just try to make sure that you use onions that are a similar size to your apples so they don't look odd. Also, being generous with the toffee and using a couple of extra drops of food colouring is a good idea for the trick or treat version of this sweet treat to make sure they all look similar.

If you need anything else to give your Halloween party that extra bit of scare then why not check out our great Halloween Gifts – we've got some otherworldly sweet hampers that could put even the hardiest zombie into a sugar coma!