Mother's Day Engraved Heart Slate Photo Frame

Mother's Day Engraved Heart Slate Photo Frame product image

Mother's Day Engraved Heart Slate Photo Frame

Product Details

Capture that special moment within a slate heart you can make completely unique.

Perfect to frame that special image of you and your mum.

The personalised slate heart photo frame is made even more special with your very own message, which is laser engraved into the surface of the slate above and below the message. The thick slate frame with heart shaped space for a photo. The edge of the frame is rustic due to the way the frame is cut and shaped, adding to the charm of this product.

The frame is free standing so it can be place anywhere around the home.

Give the photo a title or make a personal message to the person you're giving the gift to, it's your choice! The message can be 30 characters over 2 lines at the bottom of the frame.

Size: Slate Frame Heart Inner 23cm x 19cm. The photo size is approx 5.5'' x 4.5''

Note: Each piece of slate is unqiue. This may result in slight differences in the surface and edges of the frame. As it is a natural material, it may contain elements of Pyrite (Fool's Gold).

Product Reference: 42888
STANDARD DELIVERY Estimated delivery 2-3 days after order despatch £3.99
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