Monkey with Love Me T-Shirt

Customer Star Rating Average rating based on 1 review
Monkey with Love Me T-Shirt product image
Monkey with Love Me T-Shirt product image
Monkey with Love Me T-Shirt product image
Monkey with Love Me T-Shirt product image
Monkey with Love Me T-Shirt product image

Monkey with Love Me T-Shirt

Customer Star Rating Average rating based on 1 review
Product Details

This adorable cuddly monkey is the perfect gift idea for any romantic occasion and is sure to let someone special know just how much you love them. Whether it's a gift for a girlfriend, wife, fiancé, boyfriend or husband, they're sure to fall in love with this cuddly toy.

Cuddly Monkey can be ordered in two different colours with a light brown fur and red t-shirt or dark brown fur with a pink coloured t-shirt. The cuddly love monkey's t-shirt is embroidered with the words Love Me with a heart on either side too. Monkey's face also has a love heart embroidered onto it on the right hand side of the face.

Measures approximately 38 cm long and 22 cm tall when sitting.

Product Reference: 18333
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