I Love You Shiny Silver Photo Frame

I Love You Shiny Silver Photo Frame product image

I Love You Shiny Silver Photo Frame

Product Details

Tell someone special just how much you love them with this personalised I love you photo frame. It’s perfect whether you’re looking for Valentine’s Day gift ideas, Mother’s Day presents, Father’s Day gifts or something special for an anniversary or birthday.

The frame is engraved with the words I Love You at the top in a large font. At the bottom of the frame we engrave your personal message which can be up to 2 lines long with a maximum of 25 characters on each line. Perfect for telling that special someone just how much they mean to you.

The silver plated frame is designed to hold a 6 x 4 inch landscape photograph and can easily be displayed on any flat surface thanks to its rear easel style stand which has a black felt material backing.

Personalise with 2 lines of up to 25 characters.

Please Note:
That on occasion the finish of the frame will be more matt in style.  This is dependent upon availibility from our suppliers.  The quality remains the same.

Product Reference: 16592
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