Engraved Usher Photo Frame

Engraved Usher Photo Frame product image

Engraved Usher Photo Frame

Product Details

This personalised frame makes a wonderful thank you gift for your Usher's at your wedding. A lovely keepsake from the special day.

The frame is personalised with the words 'Usher' at the top and then the bottom of the frame is personalised with a message of your choice. The message can be over 2 lines and contain a maximum of 25 characters per line.

Presented in a landscape format this frame holds a 6 x 4 inch photograph, perfect to add a picture from that special day.

The frame has a black felt backing with an easel style stand, it is Silver Plated and has a shiny silver mirror finish.

Personalise with 2 lines of text each with a maximum of 25 characters per line.

Please Note:
That on occasion the finish of the frame will be more matt in style.  This is dependent upon availibility from our suppliers.  The quality remains the same.

Product Reference: 15303
STANDARD DELIVERY Estimated delivery 2-3 days after order despatch £3.99
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