Bullsh*t Game

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Bullsh*t Game

Customer Star Rating Average rating based on 1 review
Product Details
Take on your friends and family in a battle of lie-telling and bullsh*t detecting!

Listen to the facts – often seemingly outrageous – and decide whether they are 'No Bull' or 'Bullsh*t'.

Convince your friends the most idiotic statements are facts without giving away the bullsh*t!

Find out along the way whether the 972 statements are fact or bullsh*t, such as: 'You can kill yourself by holding your breath' and 'One quarter of the bones in your body are in your feet'.

Simple card and dice game that can be played almost anywhere.


1 dice
3 packs of cards (54 per pack, 6 facts on each card)
Product Reference: 19400
STANDARD DELIVERY Estimated delivery 2-3 days after order despatch £3.99
Customer Star Reviews (1)
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