Your Childs Artwork on a Canvas Print

Your Childs Artwork on a Canvas Print product image
Your Childs Artwork on a Canvas Print product image

Your Childs Artwork on a Canvas Print

Product Details

See your child’s drawings, sketches, doodles and paintings printed onto your very own canvas artwork. It’s a great gift idea for a proud Mummy or Daddy or just to show off your child’s artistic talents to their grandparents. The canvas print is personalised with your chosen drawings and a special personal message as well.

To create your own photo canvas simply send us a photograph or scanned image of your child’s artwork and we’ll print it onto the canvas art board along with a special personal message. You could also send us the original drawing in the post if you don’t have access to a scanner or camera, please see the notes tab for details.

With your child’s best drawing printed onto a canvas picture board you really can show of their artistic talents. It’s the perfect gift idea for a proud Mum or Dad or even as a gift for the Grandparents.

To best care for your canvas print it is important to position it out of direct sunlight and away from any windows or sources of bright light.

Available as an 8 by 8 or 10 by 10 inch canvas print.

A proof of the canvas will be emailed to you as soon as possible after the order is placed. This MUST be approved in order for the canvas to be printed.

Product Reference: 16753
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