Personalised Our First Christmas Framed Print

Personalised Our First Christmas Framed Print product image

Personalised Our First Christmas Framed Print

Product Details

Give this personalised print to a special couple celebrating their First Christmas as Mr and Mrs and personalise it with a message of your choice. It's a fabulous gift idea that they can look at year after year and be reminded of their wonderful first Christmas together.

The print features 3 large colourful baubles with some grey snowflakes in the background. The first red bauble in the top left is personalised with Mr & Mrs and the couples surname. The largest bauble in the middle is green in colour with the words 1st Christmas written in large red text inside. The last bauble at the bottom of the design is where we add your personal message which can be up to 2 lines long with 25 characters available on each line.

The print is mounted inside a white wooden photo frame which has a modern style to it and is sure to fit in with any interior style.

Size: The print measures 7.5 x 9.5 inches. 

Product Reference: 18272
STANDARD DELIVERY Estimated delivery 2-3 days after order despatch £3.99
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