Our Mum Personalised Canvas Print

Our Mum Personalised Canvas Print product image
Our Mum Personalised Canvas Print product image

Our Mum Personalised Canvas Print

Product Details

This canvas print make a wonderful gift idea for your Mum on Mother’s Day or even as a present for her Birthday or Christmas and is personalised with the names of all her loving children.

The canvas has a purple / blue coloured chequered or gingham effect background with the words Our Mum is the most completely and utterly best in the Whole Wide World written at the top of the canvas. Underneath this message we print the names of the children so Mum will always know that her adorable little children love her so much.

For every name that is printed onto the canvas an illustration of a flower is added at the bottom so there will be a flower to represent each of the children in the family.

A unique and personalised piece of artwork makes a gorgeous gift for any occasion and this canvas print is sure to make a fantastic gift idea for Mum this Mother’s Day.

Artwork available as an 8 or 10 inch square canvas print.

Product Reference: 16737
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