Home Sweet Home Personalised Canvas Print

Home Sweet Home Personalised Canvas Print product image
Home Sweet Home Personalised Canvas Print product image

Home Sweet Home Personalised Canvas Print

Product Details

This personalised canvas print makes a great gift idea for Mum, Dad or any other family member and is printed with the names, location and year of birth for all family members as well as the location of the current family home and the family’s surname.

The canvas print has a blue coloured background with a red banner at the bottom reading Home Sweet Home. The top left of the canvas has the family name printed along with the year next to a map of the British Isles. The map is personalised with hearts to represent where your family lives now and where each member of your family was born. Your family’s current home location is represented by the largest heart on the map.

It’s a great gift idea for Mum or Dad on their birthday, at Christmas or as a moving house present so they’ll always remember that special family home.

The canvas can be ordered as an 8 by 8 or 10 by 10 inch print.

Product Reference: 16878
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