Family Home Personalised Canvas Print

Family Home Personalised Canvas Print product image
Family Home Personalised Canvas Print product image

Family Home Personalised Canvas Print

Product Details

This personalised canvas print is the perfect gift idea for any member of the family and is sure to look great in any room in the family home. The canvas print is personalised with the names of up to 5 family members incorporated into the design.

It’s a great gift idea for Mum on Mother’s Day or Dad on Father’s Day and they’re sure to love showing off their personalised print which is printed with the names of all the people in their loving family.

The canvas has an illustration of a house on a circle of grass with love hearts in the front garden and a cloud in the sky. The name of each family member is cleverly incorporated into the drawing of the house (up to 5 names).

This personalised canvas print is made as either and 8 or 10 inch square print with up to 5 family member’s names printed onto the design. A great gift idea for any family home and the perfect present for a family settling into a new home.

Product Reference: 16903
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